Legal notice

Legal notice

Antoni Sánchez-Fortún Ripoll, Manel Bosch i Aragon i Montse Nogués i Teixidor make this document available to users, to fulfil the obligations laid down in Law 34/2002, of 11 July, of Services of the Electronic Information Society and Electronic Trade (LSSI), as well as to inform all users of the website regarding the terms of use.

Anyone accessing this website assumes the role of user, committing themselves to the rigorous observance and compliance of the provisions laid down here, as well as any other legal provisions that would apply.

Antoni Sánchez-Fortún Ripoll, Manel Bosch i Aragon i Montse Nogués i Teixidor reserve the right to modify any type of information that might appear on the website, without there being an obligation to pre-empt or inform users of these obligations, with the publication on the website being sufficient.

This website and all its contents, including texts, images, codes and any other material, are owned by Antoni Sánchez-Fortún Ripoll, Manel Bosch i Aragon i Montse Nogués i Teixidor or third parties who have authorized the use of these contents.

The intellectual or industrial property rights on the information contained on this website (texts, designs, graphics, images) are owned by Antoni Sánchez-Fortún Ripoll, Manel Bosch i Aragon and Montse Nogués i Teixidor and their authors and are considered protected works, in accordance with the Law of Intellectual Property in force, while the international treaties signed in the matter are also applicable.

The user agrees to use the website, its contents and services, in accordance with the law and the present Legal notice. To this end, the user must refrain from using any of the services for unlawful, prohibited or infringing the rights and interests of third parties.

Personal, non-commercial use is authorised. It expressly prohibits any commercial use or reproduction of any text, images or materials of any kind found on this website, without express authorization from Antoni Sánchez-Fortún Ripoll, Manel Bosch i Aragon and Montse Nogués i Teixidor.

1. Privacy policy and data processing

When access to certain content or service requires the provision of personal data, users will guarantee its truth, accuracy, authenticity and validity. Antoni Sánchez-Fortún Ripoll, Manel Bosch i Aragon i Montse Nogués i Teixidor will give these data the automated treatment corresponding to their nature or purpose.

The user can exercise the rights of access, cancellation, rectification or opposition, provided by the Personal data protection law (LOPD). For the exercise of these rights, the interested party can send an email to: manelbosch(arroba)

2. Cookies
The company reserves the right to use cookie technology in the website, in order to recognize it as a frequent user and customize the use it makes of the website by preselecting its language, or more desired or specific content. The cookies collect the user's IP address, with Google being responsible for processing this information.

Cookies are files sent to a browser, via a web server, to register the user's navigation in the web space, when the user allows their reception. If you wish, you can set up your browser and prevent cookies from being installed on your hard disk. Please refer to your browser's instructions and manuals to expand this information.